In the Japanese village of Kamimomi, a small group of farmers began gathering their rice in extreme heat, two weeks earlier than usual. Kamimomi is in Japan’s western
Scientists from IRRI and UC Davis have developed a novel approach to manipulate the rice phytobiome, enhancing rice resilience and productivity amid climate change. Their research
By Eric Ralls staff writer With climate change and limited resources creating tough challenges, researchers are trying out different methods to improve agricultural
This reduction is primarily due to the recent challenges related to water resources as a result of climate change and unprecedented increase in temperatures, the official said
Instead of recruiting a large labour base to carry out transplanting work, in the absence of standing water, DSR allows machinery to enter the paddy including sowing machines. By
The newly developed three new rice varieties exhibit enhanced tolerance to high temperatures, reduced water availability, and increased resistance to pests and diseases. Hemant
A number of issues such as climate change, environmental sustainability and food security accelerated the transition to sustainable agriculture. But what is sustainable farming
Such empowerment through climate-resilience policies is crucial for building sustainable agricultural systems, ensuring food security By Ali FarazShalini Perumal In a context
New climate-resilient rice varieties released by PM Modi, including flood-tolerant Gayatri sub1, aim to boost productivity in India By Prabhudatta Mishra Among 109