If necessary, special Open Market Sale (OMS) programs will be initiated, the adviser said. Tribune Desk To stabilize rice prices, the Ministry of Food has been instructed to
The shift from handwritten cards to the smart family cards will result in more than 37 lakh cardholders not receiving any product from the TCB in January. The hardship of
By Bernama / Bernama. BUKIT GANTANG (Jan 1): The government is considering importing white rice from Pakistan to address ongoing issues with supply and pricing.
This surge in demand has resulted in a 15 to 20 percent increase in the price of Aambemohar rice, which is considered “the king of rice” due to its distinct aroma.
Reuters Indian rice export prices extended declines to a 17-month low this week on depreciation in rupee to a record low, and demand remained muted in key hubs during the holiday
Rice exports reach $1.515 billion in five months; India’s white rice export ban and growing demand in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines benefit Pakistani rice
ASIA-RICE/ (PIX):ASIA RICE-Rupee plunge pulls Indian rice rates to 17-month low. Reuters Thai traders foresee price drop post-New Year due to increased Indian supply Supplies from
By: Jordeene B. Lagare. Despite the anticipated decline in output, the supply of milled rice in the Philippines is expected to rise during the July 2024 to June 2025 marketing
A rice mafia operates in the country creating hardships for consumers every year during the festive season. However, no former Government in power has been able to provide a