Written by Anju Agnihotri Chaba Krishan, along with his younger brothers, Gopal and Stapal, manages 50 acres —22 acres of joint family land and 28 acres on rent in Bhullan
CM Solarization Program Another great news for the farmers of Punjab is the decision of Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, to start the CM Solarization Program.
By: Jordeene B. Lagare The government is targeting to assist some 50,000 rice farmers this dry cropping season under a new program that offers low-cost credit and market support,
– Paddy cultivation has increased the most in Telangana.– The farmers are planting rice crops and getting less profit.– Rice crop which does not have much
The Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways, in collaboration with China Aid-Fiji is working on revitalising rice farming in the Serua and Namosi provinces. Senior Agriculture
High tech and age-old agricultural traditions are being used to reverse the decline in one of Japan’s top rice-growing regions. More than four centuries of agricultural
BEING an agrarian economy, Pakistan has one of the world’s best food baskets that provides a variety of crops to feed 250 million people. The sector is a source of raw material
By: Zacarian Sarao – Reporter MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. wished that the lives of Filipino farmers would improve with the help of the various
by: Neale Zeringue STUTTGART, Ark. – While Arkansas farmers would have loved the precipitation from Francine during the growing season, it’s been a headache during harvest.