The All Odisha Rice Millers’ Association (AORMA) is firm on its stand to stay away from paddy procurement in the current KMS until the state government fulfils their eight-point
For the rice industry, this will open up opportunities for innovation, marketing, and catering to a customer base that values premium experiences in every bite. By Vikram Marwaha
According to the minister, a network was formed stretching from Chittoor to Srikakulam to profit from illegal rice exports. By: PTI. Andhra Pradesh Minister N Manohar on Sunday
Lower freight rates from Pakistan help its exporters; rates rebound on Philippines demand, delay in harvest of new crop. By Subramani Ra Mancombu. Rice prices in the global
Reuters Prices of parboiled rice exported from top hub India gained, after holding steady for three straight weeks, supported by improved demand this week, while the delivery of
Despite recording the highest-ever area under rice cultivation this year, Punjab is expected to face a shortfall in paddy procurement by 14 LMT. We explain. Written by Anju
33 rice-laden trucks entered the land port from November 18-27. A total of 1,030 tons of rice were imported from India through Benapole port in one week till Wednesday. According NEW DELHI: India, which imports food from over 100 countries, has rejected multiple food consignments from China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Japan, and
The shipment arrived in four cargo trucks, said Abul Kalam Azad, manager of Banglabandha Land Port Limited. Hundred tonnes of Atap rice were imported from India through the