The Mainichi Shimbun answers some common questions readers may have about why the price of rice has risen so steeply in Japan recently. Question: Rice prices are rising,
This development comes on the heels of successful potato exports to the UAE and Syria earlier this year, with further exports to these and other Gulf countries anticipated. Dr.
New Delhi, Aug 29 (KNN) The Indian government is considering relaxing its year-old export ban on non-basmati white rice due to surplus stock and a significant increase in
The Centre has authorised the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to sell rice to distilleries for ethanol production, allowing for a maximum of 23 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of rice
Jayan Jose Thomas, B Satheesha Summary This working paper explores the linkages between trade and food security in the context of India’s ban on the export of non-basmati white
The food ministry, as per a directive, has allowed ethanol producers to participate in e-auctions and purchase rice between August and October 2024 under the Open Market Sale
With Indian rice no longer significantly cheaper, buyers seek other options (Reuters) — Rice export prices in Thailand rose to their highest level in two months this week on
FCI stops accepting rice deliveryRuchika Khanna Tribune News Service Chandigarh, August 29 The Centre has again rejected 600 stacks of fortified rice supplied by the millers of
Vietnamese farmers mostly bury straw after harvesting, a habit that not only leads to loss of revenue but an increase in CO2 emissions. With 7.1 million hectares of growing area,