Rice availability will not be affected, say government sources, as very good rice crop is expected. Surabhi The government could take a call on withdrawing the export ban on rice
Applauds strides made by India in agriculture By BL New Delhi Bureau Global seeds and pesticides major Syngenta has launched a programme titled ‘I-RISE’ (Inculcating Rural
Rice traders have told Indian authorities their exports are becoming uncompetitive against Pakistan in terms of price. Biman Mukherji India, the world’s top rice exporter, is
With wheat facing production challenges amid rising consumption, and rice seeing a surplus problem, the two cereals have become grains apart. Written by Harish Damodaran Most
Monika Shifotoka, IAEA Office of Public Information and Communication. To achieve sustainable rice production and food security in the region, farmers in six Asian countries have
To curb rise in prices and improve domestic supplies, in September last year the government had banned exports of white rice and subsequently had imposed a 20% export duty on
The case before the apex court is that the ban by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade is arbitrary, unconstitutional, and beyond its authority. CHARU SINGH Some of
New Delhi, Aug 29 (KNN) The Indian government is considering relaxing its year-old export ban on non-basmati white rice due to surplus stock and a significant increase in
The Centre has authorised the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to sell rice to distilleries for ethanol production, allowing for a maximum of 23 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of rice