Jayan Jose Thomas, B Satheesha Summary This working paper explores the linkages between trade and food security in the context of India’s ban on the export of non-basmati white
Vietnam is set to capitalise on Indonesia’s record-high rice import volumes, as the rising demand from the neighbouring country opens up significant export opportunities for
A potential easing of the ban would benefit farmers, traders and exporters who have been seeking a relaxation to capitalise on the high global demand for Indian rice. It’s
The ban, which took effect on 20 July 2023, was brought in to ensure the country had sufficient stock for domestic consumption and to cool prices. Dhirendra Kumar, Subhash
Indonesia has increased its rice import demand by 30,000 tonnes in August compared to the previous month, bringing the total to 350,000 tonnes, according to the latest tender
Vietnam’s rice export prices have reached the highest levels globally, surpassing those of Thailand, Pakistan, and other major exporters, the Vietnam Food Association (VFA)
Mizzima It is learned from the Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) that it will store up to one million bags of rice, including Pawsan rice varieties, for the State’s rice buffer
In October 2023, India allowed 170,000 tonne of non-basmati white rice to Malaysia. New Delhi: India has permitted exports of 200,000 tonne of non-basmati white rice to Malaysia,
The 2nd International Food and Agriculture Exhibition, FoodAg 2024, held from August 9th to 11th, has concluded with remarkable achievements, underscoring its significance in the