Rice Crop Manager: Delivering Results for Indonesian Farmers

24 July 2024, Indonesia: In less than a year, the Layanan Konsultasi Padi (LKP) project has helped farmers gain an average income increase of $90 per hectare and yields ranging from 6.1 to 9.2 tons per hectare during the 2023 dry season, underscoring the importance of field-level implementation in enhancing Indonesian farmers’ rice farming practices and productivity.
The Indonesian version of the IRRI-developed Rice Crop Manager (RCM), LKP is a digital tool that provides field-specific nutrient and crop management recommendations adapted from the principles of Site-Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM). This system helps rice farmers maximize yields and profit through personalized and actionable fertilizer management guidelines.
LKP recommendations are based on previously obtained yields, field conditions, and the farmer’s current management practices. It targets optimized nutrient and water management to improve yields and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through SSNM and Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) practices. LKP 2.0, the newest version of LKP launched in October 2023, introduced user-friendly functionalities such as user and farmer registration, field profiling, and a modular questionnaire for tailored recommendations. This platform is central to disseminating knowledge and fostering better farming practices among Indonesian farmers.
In East Java, South Sulawesi, and West Java, upgradation trials adapted and validated decision logic for SSNM. Nutrient Omission Plot Trials (NOPTs) and LKP demonstrations showcased these advancements, laying the groundwork for broader adoption. The project deployed advanced Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing technologies tested in three districts of West Java to generate actionable in-season nutrient management advisories and domain-based information across large areas, based on crop growth and updated yield estimates that supplement pre-season LKP recommendations.
Through the efforts of key partners from BSIP (Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Instrument Standardization) and local extension offices, LKP generated 87,992 recommendations by June 2024, far exceeding initial targets across eight provinces. In addition, through its technology partner, Viamo Infoline Service, a high engagement rate of 72 percent indicated significant farmer interest in digitally-accessible information on best management practices for growing rice that further supplements the LKP dissemination.
Training and capacity development also saw remarkable success through partnerships with the Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development Agency and BSIP. A total of 4,206 agricultural extension workers and farmer leaders received training through 47 events, strengthening the project’s grassroots implementation.
Korean Embassy representatives Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Jinyoung Lee and Chung Dodam recently visited the project’s Bandung site and commended the LKP team’s effective collaboration for the progress of Indonesia’s rice sector.
“The RCM Indonesia project is one example of the collaborative efforts between the South Korean and Indonesian governments to enhance agricultural development and increase farmers’ incomes and yields. We are committed to maintaining and expanding this partnership. We would like to understand the expectations of the Indonesian government from the Korean government and explore how we can further contribute.”
Asep Hermawan, one of the farmer cooperators in Bandung who implemented the LKP trial for the first time, expressed his hope for the LKP result, saying “This is my first time conducting a trial for the LKP recommendation. I’m curious and excited to see the result. The dosage with my usual practice is almost the same, but the fertilizer type and timing are different. I hope this trial can showcase how LKP can increase my income and yield, encouraging other farmers to follow LKP recommendations.”
Dr. Ir. Priatna Sasmita, M.Si, the Director of Indonesian Center for Food Crops Instrument Standardization (PSITP), expressed his appreciation and hope for future collaboration. “We extend our appreciation to the Korean government for providing financial support to the LKP project, and to IRRI for leading the implementation of this project together with us. We have seen that LKP has proven to increase rice productivity, which in turn improves the welfare of farmers in Indonesia. Therefore, we hope this good collaboration can continue, especially by focusing future activities on marginal areas where rice productivity is still low.”
Discussing future plans to sustain LKP beyond the project phase, Prof. Dr. Ir. Fadjry Djufry, M.Si., the Director General of BSIP, also expressed gratitude for the Republic of Korea’s continuous support.
The project team was represented by Dr. Nuning Argo Subekti, RCM Indonesia Project Implementation Coordinator from PSITP; Dr. Sheetal Sharma, RCM Indonesia Project Leader from IRRI; and Dhimas Putranto, Regional Platform Manager from Viamo.
https://www.en.krishakjagat.org/ag-tech-research-news/rice-crop-manager-delivering-results-for-indonesian-farmers/Published Date: July 25, 2024