Record wheat, rice crops forecast in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN — Record wheat production is forecast for Pakistan in the 2024-25 marketing year due to expanded planted area and prospects for good yields, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.
The FAS, in its April 1 report, projected wheat output at 28.8 million tonnes, a 2% increase over the 2023-24 harvest.
“The increase is due to an increase in area, better availability in irrigation water, efficient use of fertilizer, and increased use of certified seeds,” the FAS said. “Despite no rains during December and January, better-than-average supplies of irrigation water compensated for the lower precipitation during those two months.”
The report noted that Pakistan, with one of the fastest growing populations in the world, has seen a steady increase in consumption of wheat and wheat flour-based products. Consumption is projected to increase by 2.3% in 2024-25 to a record 30.9 million tonnes.
“In terms of both providing domestic food security and overall production area, wheat is Pakistan’s most important crop,” the FAS said. “The 9 million hectares of wheat area is about 40% of total field crop land.”
With production trending upward and a build-up of carry-over stocks, Pakistan is forecast to import only 1 million tonnes of wheat in 2024-25, less than one-third of the projected total in 2023-24.
The FAS also anticipates a bumper rice crop in Pakistan next year due to increased planted area and yields. Record output of 9.5 million tonnes is forecast in 2024-25, a 5% increase year-on-year.“Except for the flood-damaged 2022-23 crop, rice production has steadily increased during the past several years,” the FAS said. “The increase in production is more pronounced in non-basmati varieties, driven by the introduction of new higher-yielding hybrid varieties.”
https://www.world-grain.com/articles/19825-record-wheat-rice-crops-forecast-in-pakistanPublished Date: April 4, 2024