Join modern community to increase rice production, government tells farmers.
Nhean Chamrong / Khmer Times.

Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) yesterday urged rice farmers to join the modern agricultural community aiming to transition from family-owned businesses to strong and competitive enterprises focused on reducing costs while enhancing both quantity and quality.
The request was made during a press meet organised by the Cambodia Government Spokesperson Unit in Phnom Penh to address the situation of rice price and the harvest of rice in dry season.
Kao Thach, Royal Government Delegate in charge as Director General and also a member of the Board Director of the Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) and No Lida, CEO of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) were present on the occasion.
The MAFF Minister highlighted that the area designated for dry-season rice planting has expanded significantly, from 50,000 hectares to 700,000 hectares, resulting in a production of over 4 million tonnes of paddy.
The improvement was driven by the efforts of farmers and the rising prices in previous years, particularly for ‘Organic and Malys Rice’ (OM Rice), which earned up to 1,350 riels per kilogram.
However, since January this year, the price has dropped significantly to 800 riels per kilogram,” he said.
To address this issue, Tina pointed out several benefits that rice farmers should participate in the modern agriculture community.
First, focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency across all agricultural product specifications, ensuring production aligns precisely with market demand.
Second, enhance the quality of agricultural products by establishing a working group of agricultural experts to provide guidance on fertilizer application, limiting pesticide use, and meeting export standards.
Third, gather detailed information about high-demand, high-value rice varieties and understand the specific growing conditions required to meet market needs and maximise profits.
“The initiative aimed to transform family-owned businesses into robust and competitive enterprises by focusing on cost reduction while simultaneously improving both the quality and quantity of their products and services.”
He emphasised that a clear management system, low production costs, continuous technical support, and guaranteed markets through agricultural contracts—along with access to low-interest loans—form the foundation of this agricultural community, creating a well-defined production chain that will significantly contribute to the future development of the agriculture sector.
https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501624423/join-modern-community-to-increase-rice-production-government-tells-farmers/#google_vignettePublished Date: January 16, 2025