Minister of Agriculture urges farmers to cultivate pure rice types, particularly Phka Romduol and SKO rice varieties, which have high market demand
Khmer Times

Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, called on farmers to cultivate rice with specific varieties, especially Phka Romduol and Sen Kra-ob (SKO), which are Cambodian rice varieties that have received good rice classification and are in high market demand and price.
He made this statement on the occasion of leading the professional officials to inspect rice seed production activities and participating in rice harvesting at the Toul Samrong Rice Seed Production Farm located in Boeung Pring commune, Thmar Kol district, Battambang province on November 25, 2024.

The minister said that the Toul Samrong Rice Seed Production Farm received foundation rice seeds from the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) to be produced as registered varieties in preparation for release to the community to produce as certified varieties.
The minister emphasised that, according to actual examination, all the seeds produced are of good quality, and the estimated yield is more than 4 tonnes per hectare.
The Toul Samrong Rice Seed Production Farm is the largest rice seed production site in Cambodia. In the 2024 rainy season, the farm produced registered rice seeds of the Pka Romdoul variety on 175 hectares and Sen Kra-ob 01 on 45 hectares.
The production of registered seeds at the Toul Samrong Rice Seed Farm is technically correct and has received proper quality control from the General Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. The use of good-quality rice seeds will help farmers obtain high-quality rice yields and reduce the cost of unnecessary fertilisers and pesticides.
https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501598243/minister-of-agriculture-urges-farmers-to-cultivate-pure-rice-types-particularly-phka-romduol-and-sko-rice-varieties-which-have-high-market-demand/Published Date: November 26, 2024