Farmers are planting rice crops and getting less profit..!?

– Paddy cultivation has increased the most in Telangana.
– The farmers are planting rice crops and getting less profit.
– Rice crop which does not have much market.
Generally, the most cultivated crop in telangana state is rice. Such cultivation of this crop was not much until the formation of telangana as a separate state. Ever since the formation of a separate state and the completion of projects, farmers have been thinking that rice is a non-difficult crop and have been cultivating that crop more and more. Rice is eaten a lot in telugu states but not much in other states. So the governments are also campaigning to reduce the cultivation of this crop due to the lack of marketing for the rice crop. In order to bring about food security in the country through the Green Revolution in 1960, the governments encouraged two telugu states to cultivate rice. During that time, there was not much irrigation in the two telugu states. Then rice from punjab and haryana used to be our food. As a result, many projects were built in two telugu states and subsidies were given to promote rice cultivation. Due to this, the awareness among the farmers has increased and the cultivation of paddy has also increased tremendously. Things started to change after 1995. It stopped bringing rice from Punjab. It put pressure on the center. As a result, two telugu states have become decentralized in rice collection.

Due to this, the rice crop is yielding more than what is used in our states. Everywhere the godowns are full and at least the government is not in a position to buy. 52,78,736 acres of paddy are being cultivated. However, the farmers who are buying rice from government purchase centers are not getting the right remunerative price. At least 15 to 20,000 per acre is not left even after all the investments are gone. Farmers who said that the government does not want to cultivate rice in this way are choosing this crop because it is an easy crop.
Instead of rice crops, the governments say that more crops like palm oil, dragon fruit, maize, sugarcane, and groundnut should be cultivated. Moreover, subsidies are also provided and encouraged. However, the farmers are planting rice crops and getting less profit but not doing crop rotation.
https://www.indiaherald.com/Politics/Read/994745969/Farmers-are-planting-rice-crops-and-getting-less-profitPublished Date: September 17, 2024