Rice production may decline this year

TRN Online
Kathmandu, Nov 4: This year, rice production may decrease due to adverse weather conditions during the harvest season.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development has reported that incessant rains on September 27-28 adversely affected rice cultivation across many regions of the country. The ongoing light to moderate rains have also been unfavorable for rice farming.
Mahanand Joshi, an information officer at the Ministry, said that the poor weather conditions during the rice harvesting period are likely to lead to a decline in production. The rains on September 27-28 predominantly affected the Madhesh and Bagamati provinces, damaging crops in several areas. In Madhesh Province alone, the rains affected rice crops on 57,000 hectares of land, though official loss assessments are awaited.
In Siraha and Saptari, soil erosion has caused earth deposition in paddy fields, further worsening the situation. The present estimation is that rice production may decline by up to two percent this year.
National Rice Research Programme Coordinator Dr Mathura Yadav said the significant rains on September 27-28 adversely affected rice crops in Koshi, Madhesh, and Bagamati provinces. He said farmers’ access to weather forecasting can guide them to determine the optimal time for harvesting rice.
The Ministry has scheduled a provincial seminar for the last week of Mangsir (the second week of December) to gather comprehensive details on agricultural losses from the monsoon-related disasters this time. The data from all provinces will be compiled to present a national overview of the impact. The event will be attended by representatives from all relevant ministries in each province, according to Joshi. (RSS)
https://risingnepaldaily.com/news/51390Published Date: November 5, 2024