Minor changes for U.S. rice numbers
By John Perkins.

USDA made minimal adjustments to the domestic balance sheet for rice.
Rice ending stocks were unchanged from February at 47 million hundredweight, with an increase for imports canceled out by higher exports. The USDA did raise the average estimated farm price $.20 to $15.60. In 2023/24, the average farm price was $17.30 per hundredweight.
The tables for domestic cotton were steady except for the average farm price, which was trimmed to $.63 per pound for upland cotton. The 2023/24 average farm price was $.761. Ending stocks held at 4.9 million bales.
Adjustments to global production and ending stocks for cotton and rice were minor.
The USDA’s next round of supply and demand numbers is out April 10th.
Published Date: March 12, 2025