Minister ensures safe rice supplies until year-end

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs Zulkifli Hasan and President Director of State Logistics Agency (Bulog) Wahyu Suparyono ensured that rice stocks were safe and sufficient until the end of the year.
“I had a meeting with the Bulog President Director, Wahyu Suparyono, and (we ensure) that the rice stocks for this year and next year are ready and enough,” Hasan remarked during a visit to the Bulog Warehouse in Jakarta on Monday.
He made assurance that the rice stocks were stable and could meet people’s needs until the end of 2024.
Hasan reviewed the rice reserve at the Bulog warehouse in Sunter Timur, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. During the visit, he was accompanied by President Director of Bulog Wahyu Suparyono and his staff to witness the government’s rice reserve until year-end.
He said his side supervises food stocks directly in the field and not only through data or records to ensure the safety and availability of national foodstuffs.
Hasan explained that rice stock in the Bulog warehouse in Jakarta has reached 140 thousand tons. Meanwhile, thousands of warehouses are spread across Indonesia to support the equitable supply of rice.
Currently, Bulog has more than 1,508 warehouses, with a total capacity of four million tons, which function to maintain the stability, availability, and price of rice in the market.
The national rice reserve reaches two million tons by the end of the year, and with such supply, the government is optimistic about being able to meet the needs of the community and maintain food price stability.
Minister Hasan urged the public and traders to not harbor concerns about the domestic rice supply as the government has sought optimal measures to maintain its availability.
https://en.antaranews.com/news/332673/minister-ensures-safe-rice-supplies-until-year-endPublished Date: November 4, 2024