High tax on imported rice affecting consumers – MP.

SJB MP Mujibur Rahuman stated that the Government is imposing a Rs.65 tax per kilogramme on imported rice to benefit mill owners, allowing them to set their desired controlled prices and earn profits at the expense of consumers.
Speaking at a media briefing yesterday (29), he further stated, “The President and Government Ministers have repeatedly claimed they could eliminate the rice mafia with a single stroke. Despite multiple discussions with mill owners, the controlled price was raised from Rs. 220 to Rs. 230, yet there is still a rice shortage in the market. As a result, rice imports have begun, but the shortage persists.”
He further explained, “The main issue is the Rs. 65 tax per kilogramme on imported rice. The standard price of imported rice from India is Rs.150. This means consumers must pay Rs. 65 in taxes for every kilogramme of imported rice.”
“This is not the first time our country has faced a rice shortage. Previous governments have provided relief to the public during such times, with a maximum tax of Rs.10 per kilogramme. However, this government has imposed a 45% tax per kilogramme. Is rice considered a luxury item to be taxed this way?”.
https://www.dailynews.lk/2024/12/30/politics/696523/high-tax-on-imported-rice-affecting-consumers-mp/Published Date: December 30, 2024