Egypt’s GASC sets tender to import Indian white rice

Falling rice. Grains of white rice falling through outstretched fingers into shallow glass bowl. Image Courtesy: Reuters
Reuters Images/ Allison Achauer
GASC, on behalf of Egypt’s Holding Company For Food Industries, sought arrival of the rice from Feb. 1-19 and/or Feb. 20-March 10
CAIRO – Egypt’s state grains buyer the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) set a tender on Thursday to import natural white wholly milled short-grain Indian rice, it said in a statement.
GASC, on behalf of Egypt’s Holding Company For Food Industries, sought arrival of the rice from Feb. 1-19 and/or Feb. 20-March 10.
It added that the rice should be of a 10% breakage rate packed in 50-kilo containers and from the 2023/2024 crop.
Price offers should be made on a cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) basis in U.S. dollars or Egyptian pounds, and for payment at sight and in 180- and 270-day suppliers’ facilities, GASC said.
“Prices will be compared in a way that serves the authority’s interest and the priority in confirmation will be given to offers submitted in Egyptian pounds,” it added.
The delivery should be for warehouses specified by Egypt’s Holding Company For Food Industries.
Customs clearance, unloading and transportation expenses would be paid per ton in Egyptian pounds, including value-added tax.
Bids must be accompanied by an initial deposit of $75,000, or its equivalent in Egyptian pounds if prices are submitted in the local currency, with a letter of guarantee for GASC.
GASC added that minimum offers should be of 20,000 metric tons +/- 10% at the supplier’s request.
The deadline for offers is Dec. 21 and they should be accompanied by three samples, of two kilograms each, GASC said.
(Reporting by Sarah El Safaty, Writing by Nayera Abdallah; Editing by Kirsten Donovan)
https://www.zawya.com/en/markets/commodities/egypts-gasc-sets-tender-to-import-indian-white-rice-icnqwe90Published Date: December 15, 2023