Deadline expires for import of rice

The period granted by the Government for the importation of rice ended on midnight Friday (20), with a total of 67,000 metric tons of rice being imported during this period, said the Sri Lank Customs (SLC) media spokesman Seevali Arukgoda.
He stated, “For this stock of rice, the SLC collected import taxes amounting to Rs 4.3 billion, at Rs 65 per kg.” The SLC added that, of the rice imported, 28,500 metric tons were Kekulu rice, and 38,500 metric tons were Nadu rice. After Friday, 20th, there is no authority to import rice into the country. However, it has now been announced that the Government intends to extend this period.
Nonetheless, the SLC affirmed that this extension can only be granted after the issuance of the relevant Gazette notification.
https://www.dailynews.lk/2024/12/23/local/693246/deadline-expires-for-import-of-rice/Published Date: December 23, 2024