BD gets offers in tender to buy 50,000 tons of rice

HAMBURG: The lowest price offered in the tender from Bangladesh’s state grains buyer to purchase 50,000 metric tons of rice which closed on Tuesday was estimated at $429.55 a metric ton CIF liner out, traders said.
The offer was believed to have been made by trading house Pattabhi Agro Foods, they said. Offers are still being considered and no purchase had yet been reported, they said. Bangladesh traditionally considers price offers in grain and rice tenders for some time before making a decision.
Reports reflect assessments from traders and further estimates of prices and volumes are still possible later. The tender seeks price offers for non-basmati parboiled rice in CIF liner out terms which include cost, insurance and freight plus ship unloading costs, for shipment to the ports of Chittagong and Mongla.
https://www.brecorder.com/news/40352475/bd-gets-offers-in-tender-to-buy-50000-tons-of-ricePublished Date: March 12, 2025