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Kedah’s Ambition to Lower Rice Prices Faces Opposition, Plans Infrastructure Boost

Kedah confronts challenges in rice distribution and unveils plans for a strategic land bridge, aiming to bolster food security and global trade positioning.

Kedah’s Ambition to Lower Rice Prices Faces Opposition, Plans Infrastructure Boost

In an alarming revelation at ALOR SETAR on March 5, the Kedah state legislative assembly was briefed on efforts being thwarted by certain entities to disrupt the state government’s initiative to cultivate and distribute Kedah Rice at lower prices. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor highlighted the challenges faced from entrepreneurs aiming to monopolize the rice industry, amidst the nation’s ongoing food supply concerns.

Challenges in Rice Cultivation and Distribution

Muhammad Sanusi’s response to Datuk Najmi Ahmad’s enquiry shed light on the immediate backlash received upon announcing the Kedah Rice project. Despite Kedah’s significant contributions as a rice producer, external pressures and legal restrictions have been imposed to prevent the state from exercising control over its rice production and marketing. This resistance forms part of a broader issue affecting the nation’s food security, now exacerbated by global food crises.

Strategic Infrastructure Developments

Addressing future economic challenges, the state government has set its sights on constructing a land bridge in Sanglang, Kubang Pasu district. This ambitious project, aimed at preparing Kedah for the global economic landscape by 2040, entails the development of a port connecting to Songkhla via Segenting Kra, Thailand. Sanusi emphasized the strategic importance of this initiative, which would not only enhance Kedah’s infrastructure but also potentially shift major transportation routes through the region.

Looking Ahead: Kedah’s Position in Global Trade and Agriculture

The discussions and plans outlined by Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor represent a crucial pivot point for Kedah in its quest to assert greater autonomy over its agricultural outputs and to strategically position itself in anticipation of future global trade dynamics. With the proposal of the land bridge and port, Kedah is poised to become a key player in not only national food security but also in facilitating more efficient international trade routes.

As the state navigates these multifaceted challenges, the outcomes of these initiatives hold significance far beyond Kedah’s borders, potentially impacting national economic strategies and regional trade patterns. With these ambitious plans, Kedah steps into the limelight, ready to confront both its immediate challenges in agriculture and its long-term role on the global stage. QR Code

Published Date: March 5, 2024

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