THE ASAHI SHIMBUN The storage facility of the government’s stockpiled rice in Saitama Prefecture is shown to the media on Feb. 12, prior to the announcement of the outline of
In Zambézia, there is a prospect of a good agricultural campaign in the Nicoadala district, with the emphasis on rice, a flagship crop. Nicoadala has 40,000 hectares of a total
Takashi Takanashi, head of the Spice House Co., a company based in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, specialising in wholesale imported food for restaurants and retailers, said his
Indore: Subdued demand amid lack of price parity has dampened spirits of rice exporters pinning elevated hopes on ban revocation on export of 100 per cent broken rice by the
Nora Redmond The Japanese government is releasing rice from its emergency reserve for the first time to address a supermarket shortage and soaring prices. Japan’s
FE REPORT. The government has met 76 per cent of its FY25 rice-import target so far, thanks to the grain’s sourcing from multiple countries, officials said. The two latest
BSS Farmers are extremely busy tending to their thriving Boro rice plants in all five districts of the region. Enthusiastic farmers are expecting a bumper Boro rice yield after