by Olufunmilayo Uwala. To the real economists and those with the full grasp of how governance can be run on productive lane, the roles of agricultural development cannot be
In recent years, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has repeatedly issued directives advising farmers against dry-season rice farming, adjusting its recommendations
Article By: Fatou Dem Project 2 of the Programme to Strengthen Resilience to Food and Nutrition Insecurity in the Sahel (P2-P2RS) recently concluded a consultative stakeholder
By Saptakee S. Verra recently introduced the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0051 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from rice farming. Under this guideline, farmers
Jayanty Nada Shofa. Jakarta. Indonesia’s rice production will hit a record high of 13.95 million tons in the first four months of 2025, according to the Central
Purchases to end this month in 5 states; more buys many not be desirable: Experts. By BL New Delhi Bureau. Rice procurement across the country has reached 45.84 million tonnes
Global New Light of Myanmar. The Consumer Affairs Department under the Ministry of Commerce stated that reasonable market prices of rice for March 2025 were issued, and