Request for Proposals: Methodology or Module for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Rice Production Systems
Verra invites proposals for the development of a new VCS methodology or module under VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management, v2.0 for the quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in rice production systems.
Verra is initiating the development of a new methodology or module following the inactivation of the UNFCCC CDM rice methodology AMS-III.AU.: Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation.
Practices used in rice production systems that focus on shortening the intermittent flooding period to alternate wet and dry soil conditions, such as midseason drainage and alternate wetting and drying, have a high potential to reduce methane emissions. However, there is some evidence that these activities contribute to increased nitrogen emissions and soil organic carbon losses, which must be taken into account when quantifying the total GHG emission balances of these practices.
Please view the Request for Proposals: Development of a VCS Methodology or Module for the Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice Production Systems (PDF) for further details, including the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, and requisite skills and qualifications to apply.
https://verra.org/request-for-proposals-methodology-or-module-for-greenhouse-gas-emissions-in-rice-production-systems/Published Date: July 11, 2023